Exiting your business

Exiting your business


How much is my business worth? Should I sell up, winddown or retire and when is the best time to leave?

Whilst life after your business may seem like a long way off, the earlier you start thinking about it, the better the outcome will be.

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how can we help

There are many personal and financial considerations when it comes to exiting a business.

From how much money you need in retirement and reviewing your best exit options, to succession planning, or preparing for a company sale or buy-out.

Over the years, we have helped hundreds of business owners to realise their exit plans and we could help you too. See here for more information on Exiting your Business and other stages of the business lifecycle.

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How can the business fund my retirement? How do I value the business? When is the best time to step down? What knowledge do I need to pass on? And what will the impact on the business be when I’m no longer running it? If you’re considering passing the business down to your children, or someone else, we can work with you on these key questions and your business strategy, as well as advising on the best ways to prepare for this important next step.

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If you’re planning to sell your business, it’s key to consider how your business will look to a potential buyer and take steps to improve areas that will be scrutinised, such as your people, operations and financials. This will ensure that any future sale generates the best price possible. Whichever way you exit a business, there are also tax implications to consider that may influence your preferred exit route. Our tax team have specialist experience in this area and can advise you on the tax costs of different scenarios.

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An owner’s vision for the future of their business is a very personal one and there are options to define your own route entirely with more bespoke planning. Setting up an Employee Benefit Trust (or EBT) where the business is owned by its staff, similar to a John Lewis style model, is a good example of how we’ve helped our clients do this.


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A business often represents a lifetime’s work. By taking the time to plan your exit, we can help you to achieve the best outcome.

Derek Swift
