IHT, Estate Planning & Probate

IHT, Estate Planning & Probate


With the inheritance tax threshold remaining frozen at £325,000 many people will continue to find that the value of their estate takes them into the 40% tax bracket even with the recent introduction of the additional main residence nil rate band. It is therefore vitally important to review your tax position and make sure that you are structured as tax efficiently as possible as the tax savings involved can be substantial. We can advise on several areas through our lifetime planning service so that you can be sure that when you pass away your executors only pay the correct amount of inheritance tax in line with your circumstances.

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How we can help

We help clients of all ages and their families to consider their exposure to Inheritance Tax (IHT) and how they can be more tax efficient in the future.

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Reviewing your likely IHT position begins with pulling together a snapshot of everything you own and owe, examining what reliefs and exemptions might apply on your death, and working out what can be done to improve this liability.

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We listen carefully to your wants and wishes, as well as your needs, and help you to strike the balance between making lifetime gifts, whilst ensuring you can maintain your lifestyle.

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As part of our review, we will help you understand how you can minimise IHT and the options available. These range from simple measures, such as making use of annual exemptions or gifting surplus income, through to restructuring your assets, as well as offering Will writing support through our trusted network of contacts. Please call us or fill out the contact form below to find out more.



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We appreciate the sensitivities around IHT and acting for clients over many years ensures we have a thorough understanding of their affairs.

Calvin Healy
